A Helping Hand

Reaching the hearts of children and communities and uniting them together!

Our project “a helping hand” is a unique opportunity to reach the hearts of children and communities and unite them together!

Surplus foods are saved, bought into schools and centre’s where our team at Doms food mission teaches the class’s how to wash, prepare, and cook to make meals for the less fortunate! all from surplus and donated food items! The project is being supported by Tesco extra Hastings where our class’s will head to Tesco extra Hastings and take part on our Doms food mission surplus food trails!
Children will be shown around the store by the Tesco community champions teaching them the meaning of how to save foods from being thrown away ie instead of where and how bread is made we show them what we can do with bread that is nearly past it’s used by. E.g. bread pudding and we feed people instead of throwing away.

A helping hand project not only teaches people how to cook it gives them life experiences, how to help others and the true meaning of a helping hand.

Here at Doms food mission we always aim to teach the future of tomorrow the correct way to be kind and thoughtful.

To date we are working with a number of schools and the children are cooking for hundreds of less fortunate people, children and homeless saving so much surplus foods.

Please support Dom’s Food Mission to help our work continue.
With just a small donation you really can make a difference to other people
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07783 190948
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Charity Number:1166918
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